From: Aziz Kevin Lee []

Sent: 31 July 2009 22:04

To: Aziz Kevin Lee

Subject: Invitation to Khazanah Penang Lectures with Prof KS Jomo and Datuk Seri Panglima Andrew Sheng

Importance: High


Dear YB / Dato' / Datin / Dr. / Sir / Madam,



Khazanah Nasional Bhd will be organizing its 6th Khazanah Penang Lecture at the Wawasan Open University on August 6th 2009 (Thursday). We are very privileged to have with us two globally eminent persons Professor KS Jomo and Datuk Seri Panglima Andrew Sheng for this lecture. Prof KS Jomo will be speaking on the topic of "The Global Economic Crisis: Implications for Malaysia" while Datuk Seri Panglima Andrew Sheng will be chairing the panel discussion after the talk.


Prof KS Jomo is the prominent economist and social scientist and now the Assistant Secretary General for Economic Development in the United Nations' Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) since January 2005. He was recently appointed as a member of Commission of Experts of the President of the United Nations General Assembly on Reforms of the International Monetary and Financial System that is chaired by Prof Joseph Stiglitz. He is the founder and chair of the International Development Economics Associates (IDEAs), and sat on the Board of the United Nations Research Institute For Social Development (UNRISD), Geneva. Jomo is a leading scholar and expert on the political economy of development, especially in Southeast Asia, who has authored over numerous monographs, books and academic papers.


Datuk Seri Panglima Andrew Sheng, a chartered accountant by training is a Board Member of Khazanah Nasional Berhad and Chief Adviser to the China Banking Regulatory Commission. He has been recently appointed as a expert member of the National Economic Advisory Council of Malaysia. He is currently an Adjunct Professor at the University of Malaya and Graduate School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing. He also sits on the Boards of the Qatar Financial Centre Regulatory Authority and Sime Darby Berhad. Among his previous appointments include as Chairman of the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong, Deputy Chief Executive at the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, Senior Manager of Financial Sector Development at the World Bank as well as various senior positions including Chief Economist and Assistant Governor at Bank Negara Malaysia.



The programme will be as follows:


Khazanah Penang Lectures #6:


"The Global Economic Crisis: Implications for Malaysia"

by Professor KS Jomo




Date:                August 6th 2009 (Thursday)

Time:                4.30pm - 7:00pm

Venue:              Wawasan Open University (Theatre 1)

54, Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah

10050 Penang, Malaysia



4.30pm - 4.30pm          Registration & Tea


5.00pm - 5.15pm          Opening remarks by Datuk Seri Panglima Andrew Sheng


5.15pm - 6:00pm          Lecture by Prof KS Jomo


"The Global Economic Crisis: Implications for Malaysia"


6.00pm - 7:00pm          Panel Discussion by Datuk Seri Panglima Andrew Sheng & Prof KS Jomo


7.00pm                         End Programme



On behalf of Khazanah Nasional, we would like to extend an invitation to you to attend this lecture as our guest.  We look forward to seeing you and it would be greatly appreciated if you could reply to this email to confirm your attendance.


Brief profiles of Prof KS Jomo and Datuk Seri Panglima Andrew Sheng have been appended below for your reference. 



Warmest Regards,


Aziz Kevin Lee


Khazanah Koridor Utara



Brief Profile

Professor Jomo K. S. (Kwame Sundaram) is currently Assistant Secretary-General on Economic Development, Department of Economic and Social Affairs at the United Nations. Prior to this appointment he was a Professor in the Faculty of Economics and Administration, University of Malaya and Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore. His teaching experience includes the Science University of Malaysia, 1974; Harvard, 1974-5; Yale College, 1977 ; National University of Malaysia (UKM), 1977-82 ; University of Malaya, 1982-2004; Wolfson College, Cambridge, 1987-8 (visiting fellow); and Cornell University, fall 1993 (visiting professor). He is Founder and Chair of IDEAs, or International Development Economics Associates. He served on the Advisory Board of the United Nations Research Institute on Social Development (UNRISD). He was President of the Malaysian Social Science Association (1996-2000), and also served on the Pro-tem Committee of the Asian Social Science Association (1980-1984) and the Executive Committee of the International Peace Research Association (1982-1987). He has served on various academic and professional committees, as well as Malaysia's National Economic Consultative Council (1989-1991).


He has authored over 35 monographs, edited over 50 books and translated 11 volumes besides writing many academic papers and articles for the media. He is on the editorial boards of several learned journals. Some of his most recent book publications include Malaysia's Political Economy (with E.T. Gomez), Tigers in Trouble, Rents, Rent-Seeking and Economic Development: Theory and the Asian Evidence (with Mushtaq Khan), Malaysian Eclipse: Economic Crisis and Recovery, Globalization Versus Development: Heterodox Perspectives, Southeast Asia's Industrialization, Ugly Malaysians: South-South Investments Abused, Southeast Asian Paper Tigers: Behind Miracle and Debacle, Manufacturing Competitiveness: How Internationally Competitive National Firms And Industries Developed In East Asia, Ethnic Business: Chinese Capitalism in Southeast Asia (with Brian Folk), Deforesting Malaysia: The Political Economy of Agricultural Expansion and Commercial Logging (with others), and After the Storm: Crisis, Recovery and Sustaining Development in East Asia.


Born in Penang, Malaysia in 1952, Prof. Jomo studied at at the Penang Free School (PFS, 1964-1966), Royal Military College (RMC, 1967-1970), Yale University (BA cum laude, 1970-73); Harvard University, Kennedy School of Government (MPA, 1974); and Harvard University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (PhD, 1978). He is married with three children.



Datuk Seri Panglima Andrew L.T. Sheng is the third holder of the prestigious Tun Ismail Ali Chair at the Faculty of Economics and Administration, University of Malaya. From October 1998 to September 2005, Datuk Seri Panglima Andrew Sheng was the Chairman of the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission.


Datuk Seri Panglima Andrew Sheng has published widely in monetary and financial issues.  In 1998, he co-chaired the Working Party on Transparency and Accountability, one of the three Working Parties formed under the Group of Twenty-two Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors.  In 1999, he chaired the Financial Stability Forum's Task Force on Implementation of Standards.


After training as a Chartered Accountant, Datuk Seri Panglima Andrew Sheng started his career at Bank Negara Malaysia, where between 1976-1989, he has held various positions including Chief Economist and Assistant Governor in charge of Bank and Insurance Regulations. He was seconded to the World Bank, Washington, DC, as Senior Manager, Financial Markets and Payments Systems, Financial Sector Development Department from 1989-1993. He became the Deputy Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority from 1993 to 1998, responsible for the Reserves Management and External Departments. He was the Chairman of the Technical Committee of IOSCO, the International Organization of Securities Commissions and international securities regulation standard setter from October 2003 to September 2005. Since October 2003, he has been the Convenor of the International Council of Advisers to the China Banking Regulatory Commission. In March 2006, he was appointed as a member of the Governing Council for the International Centre for Education in Islamic Finance (INCEIF) and a member of the Board of the Qatar Financial Centre Regulatory Authority.


Datuk Seri Panglima Andrew L.T. Sheng is a justice of the peace, a chartered accountant, and holds a first class Honours degree in economics and honorary doctor of law degree (LLD (Hon)) from the University of Bristol, United Kingdom.  He is also Professor at the Graduate School of Economic Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing. He is married to Dr Lim Suan Poh.