Services & Products List

June 2009

BDCD provides more than 70 services supporting proposal development, investor relations, marketing, communications, funding planning and forecasting, library, information and knowledge sharing, reviews, and capacity building.
Writing and Editing
We offer a number of communication products and services. If you are unsure which one is for you, click here. Complete the request for service for further assistance here.
  1. Policy briefs – provide us with your report and we will write, design and print the brief. Click here for sample.
  2. Lessons learned briefs – captures the key insights from major projects. Provide us with your report and we will write, design and print the brief. Click here for sample.
  3. Issues briefs – Carving out a new area of work? This product will help communicate the issues. Provide us with your manuscript or literature review and we will write, design and print the brief. Click here for sample.
  4. Brochures, Center Annual Report, flyers, factsheets – writing, editing and design support provided. Visit our publications database for numerous samples.
  5. Studies, reviews, proceedings, manuals, etc. – we will edit, design and print these products for you
  6. Proposals – one of our many proposal development services involves editing major proposals
  7. Media/news releases – got a story the world needs to hear? We will write the release and work with international media to get the story a high profile. See sample.
    For news of national interest, we will help you edit your release. Click here for sample.
  8. Nominations and awards – we will research and write nominations for major awards
  9. Op-eds (opinion pieces) of the position of the Center on areas of key global concern. We will research and write. Click here for sample.
  10. Success stories - write journalistic-style stories about the Center's work. The best stories about our work are told through our beneficiaries. Click here for sample.
  11. Project reports and stories - BDCD also works with more than 12 different information brokers to communicate WorldFish's work, including Google Books, IDs, Sci Dev, CGSecretariat, etc.
  12. Coordinate Center communications priorities
Proposal Development and Coordination
A one-stop shop supporting your needs. Click here for an overview of the process for proposal development, review and submission. NOTE: THIS IS CURRENTLY UNDER REVIEW – check with BDCD for further info.

We provide assistance of all types to help you develop your proposal – including review, advice on how to develop, editing, development of key areas of the proposal, corporate information, etc. You can outline your concept for a proposal with the prelim concept and, once you get the go-ahead, follow through to develop the full concept note.
  1. Review of the proposal before submission to ensure that the proposal is linked to the interests of the investor, the proposal is persuasive and convincing in marketing the project, and generally that the proposal is of a quality sufficient to be considered for funding
  2. Development support including GIS - support for development and inclusion of GIS-related information and resources supporting proposals
  3. Coordination support for large proposals. We will develop and manage the proposal development process for you. Click here for a sample workplan.
  4. Editing of proposals
  5. Virtual workspace - develop and organize a virtual space for proposal development
  6. Proposals database – features nearly 600 proposals and a key starting point to develop your next proposal
  7. Find out what proposals are under development now
  8. New grants and submissions – we produce a regular newsletter, 'Investing in WorldFish & Our Partners', that is also a useful resource for project summaries
  9. Proposal development resources - access through Fishnet, our intranet site
  10. Guidelines and other resources for more than 50 investors. Because guidelines sometimes change quickly, contact BDCD before you write a proposal.
  11. Facts and figures - a compilation of fish facts and figures supporting proposal development
Finding Funding Opportunities
We provide a comprehensive range of services to help you identify funding for your project
  1. New opportunities - comprehensive analysis of NEW opportunities with investors based on review of all grants funded by them, submissions, and projects under development
  2. Analysis of investors most likely to fund specific thematic areas like climate change, gender, governance, food security, health, etc. Click here for sample analysis.
  3. Identification of major new programs – help support identification of national and regional opportunities for new partnering and funding opportunities. Click here for sample.
  4. Compediums featuring over 500 funding opportunities for Asia, Africa and a special edition featuring fellowship opportunities. Special Marine issue to be released soon.
  5. Funding databases - access two of the world's most comprehensive searchable funding databases with 100s of opportunities
  6. Email alerts for calls for proposals - describing the opportunity and how it relates to the work of the Center and partners. See sample.
  7. Info sharing Need more ideas? Find out how your colleagues are accessing funding by clicking here. You can also visit the proposal database.
  8. Still need help? Send us a summary of your intended project using our prelim concept and we will assist you to funding.
Investor Relations
Coordination of investor relations at the global level, strategic meetings with investors, provision of briefing material on key intelligence on investors, research and preparation of detailed analysis of investor interests and strategic opportunities to support WorldFish work, and much, much more.
  1. Investor analysis - analysis of investors most likely to fund specific thematic areas like climate change, gender, governance, food security, health, etc. Click here for sample analysis.
  2. Investor briefs - featuring contacts, priorities, funding history, opportunities for funding, partnering and other key intelligence (available upon request to staff who are planning meetings with investors). See sample.
  3. Investor opportunities - a compilation of all key information and opportunities with all our key current and prospective investors. Contains all the key information you also need to know on Center funding, countries we are working in, etc.
  4. New opportunities analysis - comprehensive analysis of NEW opportunities with investors based on review of all grants funded by them, submissions, and projects under development
  5. Relations development - support identification of leads on specific investors and introductions to pursue the relationship
  6. Investor country priorities and overlap with our target countries
  7. Latest intelligence - database of latest intelligence from interactions with investors
  8. Resource base - resource base of more than 50 of our investors, featuring strategies, white papers, guidelines, and much more
  9. Extraordinary reports - development and coordination of extraordinary reports to investors based on their requests
  10. Meetings - coordination support for meetings
Forecasting and Planning
Services here include provision of the medium-term funding outlook over the next four years, support for pipeline management, monitoring and forecasting core funds, tracking Center Key Performance Targets for growth, regular reporting to the Board as well a monthly synthesis of trends and issues impacting our business.
  1. Medium-term funding outlook - support the development and update of web-based medium-term funding outlook for the Center, regions and disciplines. This is the Center's key planning tool to support the management of the pipeline.
  2. Core funding - monitoring and forecasting of core funding
  3. KPG for growth - monitoring and reporting on KPG for growth
  4. Pipeline updates - coordinate and report on pipeline updates
  5. Board and management reporting - regular reports to management and the Board on the medium-term funding outlook for the Center
  6. Trends and issues impacting our business - regular review and synthesis of trends and issues impacting WorldFish business. Click here for sample.
Center Performance Tracking and Reporting
  1. Center KPG - track and report on Center KPG
  2. Performance Measures - track and report on CGIAR Performance Indicators
Visitor Program
  1. Visitors - organization and coordination of program for visitors to HQ
Library, Information and Knowledge Management
  1. Fishbytes Monthly Center Newsletter - develop the monthly Center newsletter that goes to staff and Board members
  2. Publications - develop and update the WorldFish publications database
  3. Info-database - supports access to other useful publications, presentations and resources
  4. Literature searches prepared on request. This is a key starting point for new projects, proposals or writing papers for referred journals.
  5. Document delivery - if you send us the reference, we will track down and deliver to you a scanned copy of the full paper
  6. Support the Center to identify gaps in services and support for Knowledge Management and coordinate strategy and plan to address needs
  7. 'Alerts' newsletter of new publications - sent quarterly to over 2000 partners, and stakeholders
  8. E-journals - make available online access to all key journals for Center use
  9. Bibliographic databases - provide access to bibliographic databases related to WorldFish business
  10. CG Virtual Library - contribute to the fish resources component of the CGIAR virtual library
  1. Corporate - development, content and management of corporate website
  2. Intranet site - design and development of corporate intranet site (Fishnet)
  3. Regional sites - design of regional websites
  4. Projects/programs - design of websites supporting major projects/programs
Branding, Multi-media, Design, Posters and Exhibits
  1. Brand management - brand manual supporting development and management of the corporate brand - 4MB PDF
  2. Image Database - – over 500 images illustrating the Center's work
  3. Streamers - design and production of streamers for conferences and meetings
  4. Conference exhibits - design, production and management of exhibits for large conferences
  5. Science posters - design and production of science posters
  6. CD products - design and production of CD products
  7. Video production - support for video production
  8. Newsletters - design of newsletters
  9. Other marketing materials - such as e-cards, clips, etc. to help market the Center
Media Relations
  1. International media relations - coordinate international media relations
  2. Media releases - write releases for international media. For sample release, click here. Provide editorial support for national media releases.
  3. Interiew Skills - tips on how to be interviewed by a journalist, as well as a toolkit of other useful communications material and resources
  1. Proposal development - develop and run courses on how to develop a successful proposal
  2. Website development - develop and run courses on how to update a website
  3. Communications - develop and run courses on specialized communications issues
Investor Commissioned Reviews
  1. Investor commissioned reviews - manage large reviews like the EPMR, and provide advice and coordination as requested for investor reviews of projects and programs
The BDCD Team –
Name Position E-mail Telephone Skype Location
Helen Leitch Director, Business Development &
Communications Division (+60-4) 6202 269/271 hleitch Penang
Florine Lim Office Manager/ Communiations Contact (+60-4) 6202 271 flo.lim Penang
Eyette Pasamba Coordinator, Pipeline Development Support &
Investor Relations
(+63-2) 580 5659 cpasamba Philip- pines
William Ko Library Services Consultant (+60-4) 6202 267 williamkmko Penang
Goon Hooi Ling Webmaster (+60-4) 6202 276 hlgoon-0677 China
Aishatul Mardziyah Business Development Assistant a.m.abdullah
(+60-4) 6202 269 aishafairud Penang
Silvia Renn GIS Specialist/shared position with NRM (+60-4) 6202 133 silvia888 Penang
Jocilla Ooi Distribution Assistant (+60-4) 6202 301 onee_ooi Penang