
* ICLARM is now known as WorldFish Center

Naga - The *ICLARM Quarterly
Vol. 22, No. 4 (October - December 1999)


Measuring Transaction Costs of Fisheries Co-Management in San Salvador Island, Philippines
K. Kuperan, N.M.R. Abdullah, R.S. Pomeroy, E.L. Genio and A.M. Salamanca

It is generally accepted that co-management systems are most cost-effective than centralized management of natural resources. However, no attempts have been made to empirically verify the transaction costs involved in fisheries co-management. Some estimates of transaction costs of fisheries co-management in San Salvador Island, Philippines, are presented in this paper. These estimates are used to vompare various transaction costs in co-managed and in centrally managed fisheries in San Salvador Island.

K. Kuperan, E.L. Genio and A.M. Salamanca are from *ICLARM; N.M.R. Abdullah is from the Department of Natural Resource Economics, Faculty of Economics and Management, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia; and R.S. Pomeroy is with the World Resource Institute, Biological Resources Program, 10 G Street, NE Suite 800, Washington D.C. 20002, USA.

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