
* ICLARM is now known as WorldFish Center

Naga - The *ICLARM Quarterly
Vol. 22, No. 4 (October - December 1999)

Tropical Sea Cucumbers for Stock Restoration and Enhancement
S.C. Battaglene

Severe overfishing of sea cucumbers has occurred in most countries of the tropical Indo-Pacific. The release of cultured juveniles is being examined at the *ICLARM Coastal Aquaculture Centre (CAC) in the Solomon Islands as a means of restoring and enhancing tropical sea cucumber stocks. Sandfish (Holothuria scabra) are the tropical species that show the best potential for stock enhancement. Sandfish are of high value, widely distributed and relatively easy to culture in simple systems at a low cost. This paper summarizes information about the culture of H. scabra and compares it to that of the temperate species Stichopus japonicus. Sandfish live in high nutrient environments at densities of 100s per ha. They have a reproductive peak in September and October, but can be induced to spawn throughout the year. Increases in water temperature and addition of powdered algae are effective ways of inducing spawning. Chaetoceros muelleri and Rhodomonas salina are two of the better microalgae for feeding the larvae. Sandfish larvae are more robust and easier to rear than those of other tropical species. Larvae metamorphose into juveniles after two weeks at 28°C and settle on diatom conditioned plates. The CAC has produced over 200 000 juveniles from six separate spawnings. Sandfish can be reared on hard substrata until they reach 20 mm in length and are then best transferred to sand substrata. Absolute daily growth rates for juvenile sandfish average 0.5 mm day -1 (±0.03 s.e.) and range from 0.2 to 0.8 mm day -1, depending on stocking density, light intensity and addition of powdered algae. Overall, there are good reasons to believe that sandfish can be produced cost-effectively for restocking and stock enhancement. The potential for using cultured juveniles to manage fisheries for sea cucumbers now depends on the development of strategies to optimize the survival of juveniles released into the wild and to evaluate  releases on a commercial scale.

S.C. Battaglene is with the International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management (*ICLARM), Coastal Aquaculture Centre (CAC), PO Box 438, Honiara, Solomon Islands.

Hatchery and Culture Technology for the Sea Cucumber, Holothuria scabra Jaeger, in India
D.B. James

The seed of the sea cucumber Holothuria scabra Jaeger is being produced at the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute in India. This article describes the techniques being used in the production of the seed and the experiments being carried out for the rearing of juveniles. Trials to grow juveniles in hatcheries on prawn farms have shown spectacular results that are both cost efficient and environmentally friendly.

D.B. James is a Senior Scientist at the Research Centre of the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Tuticorin-628 001, Cochin, India.

Volunteer Sports Divers: A Valuable Resource in the Management of Bahrain’s Fisheries
K.R. Uwate and J. Al-Meshkhas

The Directorate of Fisheries (DOF) of Bahrain has a novel scheme in which the DOF workers cooperate with local sports divers in the management and conservation of their marine resources. This cooperation is mutually beneficial for both the DOF and the divers who are interested in environmental conservation.

K.R. Uwate is currently the Advisor to the Director of Fisheries, Bahrain. He coordinates volunteer dive trips for the DOF while J. Al-Meshkhas is an Officer of the Bahrain Diving Committee and coordinates volunteer divers for this joint project.

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