
The WorldFish Center Quarterly

Vol.26, No. 2 (April - June 2003)

Editorial (PDF 22 KB)


Age- or length-based methods of growth estimation. What drives the Choice
– G.M. Pilling and A.S. Halls
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Pawpaw seeds as fertility control agent on Nile tilapia
– S.B. Ekanem and T.E. Okoronkwo
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Fisheries production in Asia: Its role in food security and nutrition
– P.S. Choo and M.J. Williams
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Length-weight relationship of some deep-sea fishes inhabiting the continental slope beyond 250m depth along the west coast of India
– J. Thomas, S. Venu and B.M. Kurup
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Incidence of human pathogenic bacteria in shrimp feeds - A study from India
– R.P. Raghavan
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The cost of action: CRM investment in the Philippines
– A.M. Salamanca
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INGA Article
Stock evaluation and development of a breeding program for common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in Karnataka, India: progress of a research project

– Y. Basavaraju, D.J. Penman and G.C. Mair
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Coming Soon
Regular FishBase and ReefBase page. Giving updates and profiles of fish species and management issues of coral reefs.

News (PDF 53 KB)



AFS News
– Aida Rubiano



New Publications

Information (PDF 85 KB)



Selected Web Sites

Update (PDF 158 KB)

- Global Steering Committee Teleconference

- Fish Unlimited - A multimedia communications initiative for sustainable fisheries

- Fish for All initiative in India

- Second Meeting of the Global Steering Committee

Vol. 26, No. 2 in full publication (PDF 833 KB)