
The WorldFish Center Quarterly

Vol.26, No. 1 (January - March 2003)


A preliminary study on the feasibility of using brushparks for fish production in Lake Chilwa, Malawi
– D.M. Jamu, K. Chaula and H. Hunga
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Length-weight relationship of fishes from coral reefs along the coastline
of Jordan (Gulf of Aqaba)

– N. Odat
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Shrimp disease management using bioactive marine secondary metabolites: an eco-friendly approach
– J. Selvin and A.P. Lipton
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Length-weight relationships of coral reef fishes from the Alacran Reef, Yucatan, Mexico
– C. González-Gándara, E. Pérez-Díaz, L. Santos-Rodríguez and J. E. Arias-González
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An approach to estimate the natural mortality rate in fish stocks
– Luis A. Cubillos
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INGA Article
Genetic improvement of the herbivorous blunt snout bream (Megalobrama

– S.F. Li and W.Q. Cai
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INGA News (PDF 53 KB)

NTAFP News (PDF 82 KB)

AFS News (PDF 70 KB)
– Elsie Tech

NAGA News (PDF 54 KB)

Announcements (PDF 54 KB)

New Publications (PDF 80 KB)

Information (PDF 166 KB)



Selected Web Sites

Update (center Pullout) (PDF 701 KB)

1. Fish Now Part of World Food Model

2. Water and Fish Summit in Philippines

Vol. 26, No. 1 in full publication (PDF 1,970 KB)